INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION " KOURSK " INVITES THE WESTERN SPONSORS TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE REINFLATION OF RUSSIAN SUBMARINE NUCLEAIRE BRUSSELS, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Viktor Onoutchko). The international Foundation " Koursk " A invites the Western sponsors has to provide as quickly as possible to the moitie sum necessary to the reinflation of the Russian submarine nucleaire before it is not too late to carry out this operation within the acceptable times. It is what is known as in one communicates returned public A Brussels by the Foundation. In the document it east indicates that the Foundation " Koursk " had request with the governments of the principal European Convention countries, of Japan, of Canada, of Norway and of the United States to pour each one 1,9 million euros, which corresponds has the moitie sum necessary to be able to carry out the operation, the second moitie being provided by the Russian part. These funds are necessary " to prevenir any damage likely to be cause has the environment by the Russian submarine nucleaire accidente " while procedant has its reinflation ", is it says in communicates. According to the international Foundation, this solution is from now on possible since the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Ilia Klebanov has accede with the desire of the Western governments to associate the reinflation of the submarine with the program pluripartite of security nucleaire for Russia. In a letter that the direction of the Foundation has adressee to the secretary-general of the Council of the European Union Javier Solana which supports its objectives, it east indicates that 1,9 million euros represente not a great sum within sight of a company of this scale.