DIPLOMATS OF THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION COUNTRY IN VISIT IN THE AREA OF NOVOSSIBIRSK NOVOSSIBIRSK, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). A not very ordinary delegation etrangere is arrivee in the Russian area of Novossibirsk. She is composee fasteners of press of the embassies of the European Convention country has Moscow. The diplomats Austrian, suedois, Belgian, Danish, Finnish, neerlandais, French, Irish, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, British and German are arrive in the area of Novossibirsk to see which are the economic potentialites and scientists of this area siberienne. They must also have meetings with journalists of this area with which the diplomats want to examine the role of the press in the construction of a civic company in Russia. With his meeting with the European diplomats, the governor of the area of Novossibirsk Viktor Tolokonski A declares that the administration of the area was " open A a mutually advantageous co-operation ". With its statements, Russia cannot be reproduced eternally on the market world only like one purchaser, and it is although the Westerners start has to include/understand it. Governor A stresses that the area had what to present has the international community. They is initially research centers whose base could be useful for various studies.