VLADIMIR POUTINE FELICITE MIKHAIL GORBATCHEV A THE OCCASION OF HIS SOIXANTE-DIXIEME ANNIVERSARY MOSCOW, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The Russian president, Vladimir Poutine, have felicite Mikhail Gorbatchev has the occasion of his soixante-dixieme anniversary. According to the service of press of the head of the State, in the message presidentiel it is known as in particular that " a whole time is full liee has your name. One time which A starts with deep transformations in our country, which have radically changes the political card of the world ". President A states that it thought sincerely that the "immense experiment, knowledge, the energy and the international prestige " of Mikhail Gorbatchev " were necessary today ". In the message of congratulations addresses to the first president of the USSR it is also stresses that " the efforts that you deployez has the tete international Foundation of socio-economic and political studies and your activity as a leader of the social-democrate Party unifies of Russia aim has to consolidate the civil dialogue in Russia and has to build a stable and democratic company ".