THE MINISTERS IRANIAN AND TURKMENE OF BUSINESSES ETRANGERES ARE FAVORABLE A A GOVERNMENT OF AGREEMENT IN AFGHANISTAN TEHERAN, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Evgueni Zainabitdinov). Iran and Turkmenistan invite the Afghan belligerantes parts has to form " a government of agreement and unit " representant all the nations and ethnos groups which populate this country. This declaration has ete made Friday in its interview has the agency of Iranian information IRNA by the Iranian Minister for the Businesses etrangeres Kamal Kharrazi in visit has Achkhabad, the capital of Turkmenistan. Their negotiations, the two Ministers for the Businesses etrangeres have declares that it was essential to contribute, by efforts combine, has the establishment of a peace in Afghanistan. Kamal Kharrazi A explains why the Iranian standpoint was the following one: Teheran reconnait always officially Burhannuddin Rabbani like the head of the Afghan State. The taliban should cease their engagements against the Alliance of North and undertake negotiations of peace with their opponents and the president in station in this country on the formation of bodies of the capacity legitimes in Afghanistan.