JAVIER SOLANA: EXTENSION OF EUROPEAN UNION ACCROITRA THE PORTEE OF THE RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA BRUSSELS, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Viktor Onoutchko). The extension of the European Union will accroitra the portee relations between this organization and Russia, A declares has Paris the secretary-general of the Council of the UE, Javier Solana, who has presente has the French Institute of the international relations a vast report/ratio on the security in the context of the widening of the European Union. " Our common border but also our common interests increased with the extension of the UE ", said Javier Solana. It is interest of the European Union to help Russia has to strengthen its economy, the democratie and the civil company, has it underlines. " It should be made so that Russia fully continues cooperer with the European Union in the formation of a new economic area political and prospere ", estimates the secretary-general of the Council of the UE. For Javier Solana, " the relations of Russia with the European States constitute an essential element of the history of Europe ". Russia is narrowly liee has the European history, it pointed out. A present, it is possible to establish with Moscow of solids reports/ratios melt on the co-operation and not on the balance of military potentials or blocks ", estimates it. The European Union is already the most significant trade partner of Russia, pointed out the secretary-general of the Council of the UE. According to remarks' of Javier Solana, the fields in which the UE must continue to develop a close co-operation are numerous: nature conservancy, not proliferation of the weapons of massive extermination, elimination of the crises regionales, migration of the population, fights against the criminalite organisee, etc.