THE UNITED STATES ACCENTUATES THEIR PRESSURE ON THE UNITED STATES, THE FBI GOES ENQUETER ON BUSINESS GONGADZE WASHINGTON, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arkadi Orlov). The week derniere, a delegation of the room of the representants of Congers of the United States has ete recue by the president ukrainien, Leonide Koutchma, and, extraordinary thing, it obtained the agreement of this one so that the FBI (Federal Office of Investigation) take share has the investigation into the circumstances of the assassination of the journalist Gueorgui Gongagdze. It is what has advertisement the head of the delegation, the congressman americain Curt Weeldon. According to its remarks, Leonide Koutchma " A agrees the proposal to collaborate with the FBI ". By consequent, it is the premiere time that the secret service americains is officially authorize has enqueter on the territory of a Sovereign state ". Speaking Thursday in front of Congers of the United States, Curt Weeldon has advertisement that during the meeting with Leonide Koutchma, which has lasts two hours and half, the delegation was interessee inter alia questions, with the course of the investigation about the Gongadze business. The legislateurs americains have requires that the investigations concerning this business be " completes and detaillees ". Concerning the decision of the autorites ukrainiennes of demanteler quotes it of fabric implantee in the center of Kiev, Curt Weeldon A declares that the United States did not agree with this decision and that they reclamaient that the Ukraine " respects the fundamental principles of the democratie ", including the right of meeting. The decision of the autorites ukrainiennes is " a step in the bad way " and if Kiev does not modify its attitude, then " the Congers will take measures to address a signal has the Ukraine ", A declares the congressman. However this one does not have precise measurements which it kept in mind. Thursday, the spokesman of the State Department americain, Richard Butcher, held a point of press during which he A regrets the decision taken by the autorites ukrainiennes concerning quotes of fabric. It also has invites the government ukrainien has to respect the civil right to be reunir freely. According to remarks' of Richard Butcher, two days ago, the ambassador of the United States in Ukraine gave has Leonide Koutchma a verbal message of the president americain, George Bush, in whom it is known as that in the future the financial assistance accordee has the Ukraine by the United States will dependra in the manner with which Kiev " will respect the Constitution and will protegera the fundamental Law ", said the spokesman of the State Department.