TWO YOUNG BEATEN RUSSIAN DANCERS A DIED IN THE CUS OF CHINA VLADIVOSTOK, March 2. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Anatoli Ilioukhov). A tournee effectuee in China is achevee tragically for two Russian dancers originating in Primorie (the Russian Extreme-East). Occurring in a bar of Liupanshui, in the south of China, they died in a hospital of this city of the continuations of blows recus. Their friend, beaten it also, has ete placee in a service of intensive care. It is what RIA " Novosti " learned aupres from the Department of the interior of the territory of Primorie. In Vladivostok the representation of the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres A confirms the death of both living of Primorie which were agees of 20 and 21 years. However, according to the employe questions, the representation of the ministry has Vladivostok does not lay out for the moment of any detail on this tragedie. " Presentement it is the embassy of Russia in China which deals with this double murder perpetre in Chinese meridionale city ", has fact notices the employe. According to the font, for " several years already of the local Russian travel agencies epaulees by Asian emissary of the show business has made hunting for the pretty girls practising the choregraphy or the sporting dance ". Aguichees by the promise of juicy contracts and a mirific existence has the foreigner, these girls agree to occur in bars and limp of night of Japan, of China and Coree of the South or the Russian beauties enjoy great successes. However, once arrivees has destination, a number of them are privees of their passport, isolees and under-payees. In China it east arrives of tens of time that girls mystifiees are malmenees to have refuses executer a work not prevu in the contract.