IN MARCH-CApril, A NEW TERRORIST RENEWAL OF ACTIVITY IS NOT TO EXCLUDE A THE BORDER BETWEEN THE KAZAKHSTAN AND THE KIRGHIZIE AlMA-ATA, March 1st. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Revmira Vochtchenko /. In March-April, a new terrorist renewal of activity is not has to exclude has the border between Kazakhstan and Kirghizie, estimate the Ministers for the Defense of Kazakhstan and Kirghizie. During their meeting of Thursday has Alma-cAta, the military Ministers for Kazakhstan and of Kirghizie, respectively, Sat Tokpakbaiev and Essen Topoiev, have notes that following the snow melt in the collars, of the supplementary measures would undoubtedly be necessary for proteger the border. Like pointed out the Topoiev minister, during his discussion with journalists, has the end of this meeting, " the events of formerly in the area of Batken of Kirghizie relevent well international terrorism which is well far from this republic and resulte initially of the conflict arms which always broods in Afghanistan or are precisely the essential bases of drive of the terrorists ". " to be able to avoid a new intrusion of the terrorists, we have analysis their tactic in 1999-2000, in the area of Banken, A tells the minister kirghiz. We must quite simply put has profit our own experiment for better preparer our soldiers and officers has possible hostilites in prospect ". The ministers agreed to hold, this year, on the territory of Kirghizie of the joint exercises. An agreement also has ete enregistree on the formation of frameworks of officers. " A titrates preventives measurements against the terrorists in the area of Banken, one goes creer, into 2001, several special trainings which will be adequate has possible events in this area precise and the South of Kirghizie ", has it notes. The Ministers for Defense have sign a protocol on the development ulterior of the co-operation technico-soldier bilaterale.