THE YUGOSLAV ALTERNATIVE IS IMPOSSIBLE IN BIELORUSSIE, ACCORDING TO ITS PRESIDENT MINSK, March 1st. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Olessia Loutchaninova). The president bielorusse Alexandre Loukachenko A states that any ingerence in the businesses interieures of Bielorussie, especially has the presidentielle election day before prevue for the nearest autumn, will be reprimee. The Occident finances the opposition bielorusse in " injecting insane sums " and by delivering office automation in Bielorussie, said the president at the time of a point of press has Minsk. " They declarent openly that they wish to have a Yugoslavia news, but there will be no Yugoslav alternative in Bielorussie ", A indicates Alexandre Loukachenko. It is the people bielorusse which will elect the president and not secret service, according to him. If a person is convinced of espionage, " it will be arretee and emprisonnee ", has it underlines.