GEORGIE A MUCH APPRECIE THE CONSTRUCTIVE SPIRIT OF ITS NEGOTIATIONS WITH RUSSIA ON THE MODE OF THE VISAS MOSCOW, March 1st. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. Georgie has much apprecie the constructive spirit of its negotiations with Russia on the mode of the visas, as well as the will of Russia to continue these negotiations to be able to arrive has a broader agreement in the solution of these problems of actualite. RIA " Novosti " has of it ete informee, Thursday, aupres ambassador of Georgie has Moscow, Zourab Abachidze. According to the high diplomat georgien, same beginning of the negotiations, has ete perfectly obvious the will of the parts of regler the problems in question. Well more, Russia and Georgie see well which problems owe resoudre initially. " the results of these negotiations and their same tone must dissipate the panic which A gains some of our citizens, residant in Russia and fearing that one them deporte one day. The life has well demontre the necessite resorber the problems which are announced in the relations between Georgie and Russia ", A underlines the ambassador.