FOUNDATION " KOURSK " CALLS COUNTRIES DEVELOPPES A DEBLOQUER OF THE FUNDS FOR THE REINFLATION OF RUSSIAN SUBMARINE NUCLEAIRE " KOURSK " The HAGUE, March 1st. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Andrei Poskakoukhine). The foundation " Koursk " has appele the heads of government of the countries of the UE, of Japan, of Canada, of Norway and of the United States has debloquer 1,9 million euros each one for the reinflation of the Russian submarine nucleaire " Koursk " which had sinks in aoOet last at sea of Barents. Thus, the foundation " Koursk " will collect the moitie sum necessary to carry out the operation of remontee submarine, is it indicates in one communicates foundation whose text arrived Thursday has RIA " Novosti ". Russia will pay the other moitie. The call has ete sign by the copresidents of the foundation " Koursk " Alexandre Bessmertnykh, ex-minister sovietic of the Businesses etrangeres, and Willem van Eckelen, ex-minister neerlandais of the Defense and former president of the Union of Western Europe (UEO). The foundation has exhorte the countries has not to waste time, the remontee submarine not being possible that in July-aoOet for weather reasons. " If the submarine is not reinflates this year, this operation will be more dangerous even impossible in one year ", is it underlines in communicates. A large Western bank has advertisement its desire to finance the project of remontee of the " Koursk " if the Western governments gave their letters of guarantee has the foundation " Koursk " from here several weeks.