RUSSIA OPENS THE LIST OF THE COUNTRY HAVING UNDERGONE LOSSES BECAUSE OF SANCTIONS DECRETEES AGAINST IRAQ ABU-DHABI, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Igor KOUZNETSOV /. Russia opens the list of the country having undergone losses because of the sanctions decretees against Iraq, with 40 billion dollars US, has advertisement Thursday with the journalists the Iraqi Minister for the Trade Mohammed Mahdi Saleh. It is followed France (35 billion) and China (30 billion), then of the United States, Great Britain and Turkey (25 billion each one) The stop of the exchanges with Iraq and the reduction of the Iraqi oil sales on the market exterior made lose 200 billion dollars on the whole with the foreign countries. In 1990, trade of Iraq with the United States had risen has 5 billion dollars, pointed out the Iraqi minister. The economic blockade has ete decrete by Council Decision of security of UNO the shortly after the annexation of Kuwait by Iraq in aoOet 1990.