THE PROGRAMME OF ENLARGING OF THE ISS OWES BENEFICIER IN RUSSIA OF AN OFFICIAL STATUTE KOROLEV / Area of Moscow /, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Edouard Pouzyrev /. the programme of enlarging of the international Orbiting station (ISS) must acquire in Russia the statute of an official program and for this reason the deputes of Douma must make a corresponding decision. Such is the opinion of the academician Iouri Semenov, technical leader of the programs control Russian and president of the Consortium of space mecanic constructions Energuya. According to him, the federal budget must prevoir credit special for the construction of the Station, " otherwise we will not be able any more to honour our engagements face has our foreign partners and will be amenes has to us reconnaitre maitres of work vulgar and not Co-owners of the Station and same A to leave the list of the States which creent it ". Being the financing of the federal space program, of which the construction of the ISS forms part, academician A stresses that " the amount of the credit allocate resist does not have any criticism ". " If to implement this program one needs 3 billion roubles normally per annum, the sums allouees reellement for this year are twice less significant. And that is twice less significant than it depense has these ends India which procede which has 2 launchings per annum ", has it says.