RUSSIA WISHES TO INTENSIFY THE ACTIVITY OF THE CONFERENCE OF GENEVA ON THE DESARMEMENT MOSCOW, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Alexandre SMOTROV /. Russia preconise a more energetic activity of the Conference of Geneva on desarmement, has advertisement Thursday the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres. The Russian diplomats have attentively analysis the recent intervention of representant permanent of China has the platform of this conference. Moscow shares fully the preoccupation of Pekin suscitee by the absence of real progress of desarmement the nucleaire. The Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres supports the majorite anxious States of the americain project of deployment of a national system, even total, of anti-missile defense which implies the military use of cosmic space has this end. Russia wishes the resumption of an intesive work and profitable of the special Committee of the Conference of Geneva for the prevention of the arms race in Space, underlines the Russian ministry. In same time, Russia once more insists on the necessite to maintain and reinforce the Draft ABM of 1972 which is the cornerstone of strategic stability, which Washington also recognized to him last year. This document makes it possible to continue has to reduce the offensive armaments strategic and to preserve the whole of the international agreements which exist in the sphere of the non-proliferation of the nuclear weapons and ballistic technologies.