RUSSIA * THE UNITED STATES * AVIATION * CO-OPERATION MARCH 1 " CONTINENTAL AIRLINES " INAUGURATES a REGULAR LINE NEW YORK - HONG-CKong VIA NORTH POLE MOSCOW, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Edouard POUZYREV /. the airline americaine " Continental Airlines " A inaugurates on March 1 a regular line New York has Hong-Kong by borrowing one of the four itineraires polar cross passing above the Arctic Ocean and the territory of Russia. It thus joined several other Canadian companies, in particular americaines and, which exploit these itineraires since their opening on February 1. March 3, a plane of another company americaine, " Delta ", will accomplish a flight charter towards Asia by the North Pole, let know the Service of the civil aviation of the ministry for Transport of Russia. " the transpolar lines connecting America of North has Asia of South-east are shortest. By flying over the territory of Russia, the planes reduisent the duration of flight of several hours, to say as much that they consume less fuel and resources technical. On some itineraires, the economy can go until A 3000 dollars per flight ", A explains the spokesman of the Service of the civil aviation. The services on the ground currently ensure the overflight of the Russian territory has 2 or 3 foreign planes per hour. Every 100 km of flight in the airspace of Russia coOete 50 dollars on average. The services provided to the airlines etrangeres which use the polar itineraires cross will pay has Russia until A 18 million dollars per annum, according to the Service of civil aviation.