THE " TONE OF MENTOR AND CHARGES PEREMPTOIRES " OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT AMERICAIN MOSCOW, March 1. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Russia will not tolerera " the tone of mentor and the charges peremptoires " which one finds in the annual report of the State Department americain " the respect of the humans right in the world ". RIA " Novosti " received communicates it publishes by the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres has the occasion of the presentation of a report/ratio of the State Department to the congers americain. According to communicates, the report/ratio relates " of the imaginary appreciations on the freedom of the press, the religion, the actions of the structures of forces and the legal bodies, like to the situation in Republic of Tchetchenie ". " the authors are not gives the sorrow to argue so much is little their " decouvertes ", is it underlines in the document. Who more is, the " charges peremptoires " emanate from the State " or of the cases of violence policiere, antisemitism and racism, press " engagee ", mepris of freedoms and the constitutional basic rights is far from being rare ", declares the ministry Russian of the Businesses etrangeres. The Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres espere that, " under the new administration americaine, when " new forces " apparaitront in the rows of the experts specialises in the humans right, this document will be, finally, more objective and debarrasse, if possible, of two weights two measurements ".