THE BALANCE OF TRADE EXTERIEUR OF RUSSIA IS POSITIVE MOSCOW, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Went ISSAIEVA /. the positive balance of trade of Russia has excede 61 billion dollars into 2000. This figure has ete announces by the ministry for the economic Development and the Trade. This result of the commercial activity exterieure has reuni conditions supporting an improvement of the balance of payments and stability on the Russian market of exchange. In addition, it made it possible to serve without delay the debts of the country without asking loans the international financial organizations. The economic situation on steps world A supports the growth of exports which reached 105,2 billion dollars into 2000, that is to say 30 billion dollars moreover than in 1999. The imports also have progresses while passing from 39,6 A 44,4 billion dollars. Among the principal economic spots exterieures of Russia, it is necessary to quote the improvement of the legislation reglementant into force the commercial activity exterieure taking into account the international legal standards. In addition, should be made reconnaitre in an unconditional way that the Russian economy is a saving in functioning. It is important, inter alia, to continue the formation of the common economic area of the Russia-Bielorussie Union and to reunir the conditions necessary to deepen the economic integration with the Community countries of the States Independants. In addition, it is necessary to agree on the principal admission requirements of Russia has the world Organization of the trade. It is also necessary to increase exports of products has high degree of completion and services the top-of-the-range one.