THE CANDIDATURE OF MIKHAIL GORBATCHEV EAST PROPOSED FOR THE POST OF SECRETARY-GENERAL OF UNO MOSCOW, March 1st. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Galina Barychnikova /. the Party socio-federalist of Russia (PSFR) took the initiative to propose the candidature of Mikhail Gorbatchev, President of the Sovietique ex-Union, at the post of Secretary-general of the United Nations. It is what in particular let know the president of the PSFR Serguei Chilov. The new elections in the United Nations are prevues for next December. According to Serguei Chilov, the initiative to propose Mikhail Gorbatchev has this station is before any function of the idees Russian federalists on these new concrete spots which are posed today has UNO in the context of the processes of universalization in progress. Like pointed out the president of the PSFR, the current activity of the United Nations is primarily concentree on the achievement of political, economic and post-industrial spots, whereas Mikhail Gorbatchev, as a carrier of a " news mentalite ", could well conferer very an other quality with the development of UNO, which would undoubtedly make it possible to engage, in the processes of universalization in progress, the powerful humane, scientific and cultural potential of Russia. Russia should not in no case to miss this single chance, is the opinion of Chilov. At all events, to present the candidature of Gorbatchev to the post of Secretary General of the United Nations will not be possible that with the support of the opinion and the Russian autorites, as well as with the participation of the European press.