THE TRANSPOLAR ITINERAIRES BORROW FOR SCHEDULED FLIGHTS WILL BE BENEFICIAL FOR RUSSIA MOSCOW, March 1st. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Ivachtchenko). Thursday the airline americaine " Continental airlines " inaugurates a scheduled flight on the transpolar itineraire " New York - Xianggang " (Hong Kong). It is what RIA " Novosti learned with the Public utility from the civil aviation (GSGA) from the Russian ministry from Transport. According to the GSGA, another company americaine " Delta " will accomplish Saturday a flight charter on another itineraire transpolar. Several other airlines have depose requests for authorization of shorter transpolar flights from America of North towards Asia of South-east. The GSGA estimates that the transpolar lines (via the North Pole) crossing the Russian airspace should get has Russia a substantial economic advantage. In the ten years space the country could draw from the control of air transport on these lines some 100 million dollarsde complementary receipts. The foreign ropeways are interesses by these itineraires because they get a saving of time evaluates has nearly three hours. For the moment, in fact the airlines americaines show more interessees but it is not excluded that their example is followed by their counterparts of China, of Singapore, of Thailand and other countries.