A DETACHMENT OF RUSSIAN DEMINAGE SOON TO THE KOSOVO MOSCOW, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. a detachment of deminage of the Russian ministry of the emergency Situations took the plane for Kosovo. In form to part 24 sappers and 8 dogs draw up has the detection of the mines. The Russians will work in Kosovo for six months within the framework of a mission of the Center anti-mines of the United Nations, initially close to Vitina, a city in the east of the province, then has the yougoslavo-Albanian border, in the German sector of responsibility. The Russian sappers received the baptism of fire on Balkans in 1999 when they had neutralizes more than 2 000 explosive machines. The year passee, the 22 Russian sappers have verifie 36 minefields of a total surface of 155 000 meters cross-sections while demorcant nearly 2 000 of different torpedes, absolute record on the 16 national detachments having takes part in the operations of deminage in Kosovo within the framework of a special program of UNO.