GUEORGUI CHPAK: TO MAKE RESPECT PEACE IS NOT THE SINGLE MISSION OF THE PARAS: PSKOV, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Alexandre Konovalov /. the general Staff of the Russian forces armees estimates that the Russian troops aeroportees owe arreter the achievement of the missions of peace to entirely concentrate on missions of combat in Tchetchenie and Central Asia, has advertisement the commander of the Russian troops aeroportees, Gueorgui Chpak. The head of the general Staff, Anatoli Kvachnine, believes that it should be made so that the paras entirely concentrate on the achievement of " missions with a future ", such as the fight against terrorism in Tchetchenie and in Central Asia, has it says. The missions of peace should be has the load of the terrestrial units of the military area of Moscow and this idee is currently debattue has the Staff. " But the definitive decision is not made yet on this subject ", however has precise the general one. According to him, the Russian quota of peace in Kosovo will not undergo reductions, " since the volume of its missions remains the same one ", said Gueorgui Chpak. Following the expiry of the period of stay of the Russian quota of peace of Kosovo, the Council of the Federation should decider June extend it for a further one year and a corresponding document will be submitted to the president for signature, A still indicates the commander of the Russian troops aeroportees. Being the Russian quota of peace in Abkhazie, Gueorgui Chpak has advertisement which Russia will have to remove its military base has Goudaouta, or east stations the 10th regiment aeroporte, from here July 1, under the agreements of November 1999. Partly, this regiment will re-enter to Russia, but some of its units will remain of any obviousness has Goudaouta which will be, following an agreement with Tbilissi, a base of rehabilitation for the units of peace.