OBLIGATION OF THE VISAS BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE GEORGIE EAST IN FORCE MOSCOW, March 1. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The obligation of the visas between Russia and Georgie is entree into force integralement on March 1. In the month of aoOet 2000, Russia has advertisement which it suspended its participation has the Agreement of Bichkek on the voyages without visas of the citizens of the Community of the States independants. Considering the absence of Russo-georgien a bilateral agreement and in accordance with the Russian legislation, Moscow has informs Tbilissi of the introduction, December 5 2000, obligation of the visas for Georgie. Later, the parts are agreed to introduce, until March 1, a mode privilegie of crossing of frontiers for the inhabitants of the frontier territories like for the Russian soldiers being useful in Georgie and the members of their families. According to official data's, 200.000 nationals georgiens live in Russia and send every year some 500 million dollars in their native land, which is almost three times superior with the budget georgien. According to diplomatic sources' has Moscow, the Russo-georgiens talks which are deroulent these days succeeded " has progress relating to the re-establishment of the mode without visas between the two parts, although each shutter of the talks requires long DEBATES ". Like has it releve the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres, the introdution of the obligation of the visas did not aim at of deteriorer the relationship between Russia and Georgie or of creer of the artificial barriers for the contacts between the citizens of the two countries. Moscow has ete obliges to take this measurement for defendre the national interests and to reinforce the security on its border meridionale, in particular following the events which had taken place on the troncon tchetchene of the Russo-georgienne border in the second 2000 half of. Since the beginning of the operation antiterrorist in Tchetchenie, many people cross the border meridionale of Russia to take part in the engagements. They are not only Tchetchenes but also mercenaries come from other countries. In this context, Russia has ete obligee to take supplementary measures to lock its border meridionale. According to the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres, Russia has several times stresses that she did not want empecher the contacts between the people of the two countries. Russia respects the souverainete and the territorial integrite of Georgie and preconise the development of good neighbourliness between the two countries.