A " CORD OF SECURITY " EAST SET UP A THE BORDER WITH AFGHANISTAN MOSCOW, March 1st. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Russia works out measurements in order to prevenir the penetration in transit in the country of stupefiants coming from Afghanistan. It is what A declares Oleg Kharitchkine, head of the Center of repression of the traffic of stupefiants close the Russian ministry of the Interior. Presentement the ministry for the Interior, the federal Service of security and the customs Committee planchent on the creation of a " cord of security " has the border with Afghanistan, so as to give a crushing argument has the smuggling of the stupefiants. Oleg Kharitchkine pointed out that to effectively block the dies by which drug is acheminee of Afghanistan it will be necessary to invest rather considerable sums. This project is realise jointly by the services of fight against the traffic of stuperiants of Russia and other member countries of the Community of the States independants. The co-operation is particularly profitable between the Russian secret service and their counterparts kazakhs. The group unifies that they set up already registered certain results has its credit. Oleg Kharitchkine has advertisement which at present all the types of stupefiants which exist in the world penetrent in Russia. There is heroin coming from country latino-americains, of the stupefiants synthetic factories in Europe, in particular in Estonia lately.