ONE CONNAIT OR SE HIDE THE HEADS OF TERRORISTS TCHETCHENES: GUEORGUI CHPAK PSKOV, March 1. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Alexandre Konovalov /. the heads of the terrorists tchetchenes Aslan Maskhadov, Chamil Bassaiev and Khattab are in Tchetchenie, Rouslan Guelaiev in Georgie and Chervani Bassaiev is Turkey or it follows a course of processing, has advertisement the commander of the Russian troops aeroportees Gueorgui Chpak. The heads of gangsters are in continuous displacement and of this fact it is rather difficult of determiner with precision the place or they are in one moment gives. The leaders of the separatists are proteges by 200 A 300 men each one, left again in three circles of guard, the interior circle being more sOer. Of surcroit, they are quite formless situation, which makes difficult to reach them, A indicates the general one. " But we take to necessary measurements for arreter the heads of gangsters and I espere that these measurements will produce results ", A underlines Gueorgui Chpak.