CREANT THE " UMBRELLA BALLISTIC ", THE UNITED STATES DISTURB THE EXISTING BALANCE OF THE FORCES MOSCOW, March 1. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Piotr Gontcharov). Andrei Nikolaiev, president of the committee of defense of Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament), is certain as the implementation in the United States of the plan of deployment of the national system of anti-missile defense (NMD) blames the agreements as well on the reduction of the offensive armaments strategic (START) " in bottom as in top ". Staining to withdraw Draft ABM of 1972 of the system of the agreements occurred on START and creant unilateralement their clean " ballistic umbrella ", the United States violates the principal principle of the existing balance of the forces: " the vulnerabilite equalizes parts with the blows of missiles ". In same time, the United States unilateralement re-examines the ceiling of the reductions of the strategic nuclear warheads, by establishing it has 2 500 nuclear heads. Russia insists on the agreements occurred, according to which this figure must be 1 500, pointed out the president of the committee of the douma. This approach americaine will inevitably lead to the substantial desequilibre forces between Russia, on the one hand, and the United States and NATO, other, estimates Andrei Nikolaiev. It is necessary to add to the 2 500 nuclear warheads restees the United States the nuclear warheads of the tactical missiles of France and of Great Britain which can reach the territory of Russia, A underlines the depute.