SEPARATISTES TCHETCHENES POKE THE INTEREST OF THE MOSLEMS FOR THE TCHETCHENIE MOSCOW, March 1st. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the heads of the separatists tchetchenes intend to launch a new propaganda campaign in order to poke the interest of the Moslems of the whole world for Tchetchenie, " outpost of a holy war (Djihad) ". RIA " Novosti " has of it ete informee aupres staff of Serguei Iastrjembski, assistant of the President of the Federation of Russia for Tchetchenie. Any gate has to believe, indeed, that the leaders separatists are strong preoccupes by the fall of the interest for all that they do in the Moslem world. One of these days, for example, there was a conversation between the " spiritual leader " of the separatists tchetchenes, Abou Omar, and one representant of the organization extremist " Brother-Moslems " who is some share in the Middle East. According to staff's of Serguei Iastrjembski, during known as maintenance, Abou Omar would have been said mecontent by the fact that, while supporting the Palestinians, numbers Moslems " had made block with the Russians against the modjahidin in Tchetchenie ".