THE POLICE CHIEF OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE WILL MEET THE MILITARY PROSECUTOR OF RUSSIA MOSCOW, March 1. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Alvaro Gil-Robles, police chief of the Council of Europe for the humans right, who accomplishes a voyage in Tchetchenie will meet the evening of March 1 the general one of Justice Mikhail Kislitsyne, military prosecutor head of Russia. Their maintenance will relate mainly to the respect of the humans right in Tchetchenie and the opening of the investigations on the crimes committed by soldiers in this republic. During the meeting which it had Wednesday, has Khankala, with Valeri Baranov, controlling Grouping unifies troops in the Caucasus of North, the police chief of the Council of Europe for the humans right has apprecie the position of the command of the Grouping unifies troops which stains, has its opinion, to thoroughly study all the crimes committed by the soldiers in Tchetchenie. Alvaro Gil-Robles already had a talk with Akhmad Kadyrov, head of the administration tchetchene. The police chief recognized that signs of the positive changes were obvious in Republic of Tchetchenie.