SEPARATISTES TCHETCHENES WANT TO COLLECT THE ATTENTION OF THE MOSLEMS MOSCOW, March 1st. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). According to information's obtained by the staff of the assistant of Russian president Serguei Yastrjembski, the heads of the separatists tchetchenes are strongly preoccupes by the fact that the Moslem world is interested less and less has their activity. A few days ago, the " leader spiritual " of the separatists tchetchenes Abou Omar discussed with representants the organization extremist the " Brother-Moslems " which is basee in a country of the Middle East. Abou Omar east is declared mecontent that many Moslems " help readily the Palestinians but do not do anything with regard to the problem Tchetchenie and Afghanistan ". Abou Omar A gives instructions so that are exposees in an article the differences existing in the fight of the Moslems in Palestine, on the one hand, and in Tchetchenie and Afghanistan, other. According to the " spiritual leader ", the stress must be laid on the fact that has the difference of the modjaheds tchetchenes and Afghan, the Palestinians do not want to found the domination of Islam on Earth. The staff of Serguei Yastrjembski has releve that by drawing the attention to Tchetchenie, the leaders of the separatists tchetchenes try once to incite the foreign sponsors has to retablir their financial assistance. However, the morality of " combatants of the faith " such as Bassaiev and Hattab are so doubtful that it is not any more has same to cause the compassion of the Moslems. Therefore should not one be astonished to see the true all over the world believing Moslems, the diaspora tchetchene has the foreigner, in particular in Jordan, detacher of Maskhadov and its partisans.