PRESIDENT ARMENIEN AWAITED A KIEV IN OFFICIAL VISIT KIEV, March 1st. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Viktor Demidenko). The president armenien Robert Kotcharian is waited Thursday has Kiev for an official visit of quarante-huit hours. RIA " Novosti " learned aupres from the service of press of the head of the State ukrainien that the visit of the leader armenien has Kiev followed upon an invitation of the president ukrainien Leonide Koutchma. During the visit, both presidents will consider the average ones has to implement to reinforce the links between the Ukraine and Armenie in all the fields. They will give an attention all particuliere to the prospects for the development of the trade co-operation and economic. A ukraino-armenien agreement concerning the economic co-operation for 2001-2010 like several intergovernmental agreements, in particular a cooperation agreement in the field of the prevention of the emergency situations and the liquidation of their sequelles, a memorandum on the co-operation between the customs services and other documents will be signs within the framework of the visit. An agreement on the friendly links between the two capitals, Kiev and Erevan, will be it also. The president armenien will visit also Odessa (significant port on the Black Sea) or it will meet representants of the diaspora armenienne.