GENERAL ROMANOV A ETE PUNISHED FOR ITS DECLARATIONS MOSCOW, March 1. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). General Viatcheslav Romanov, head of the national Center for the reduction in the danger nucleaire, has ete punished for its declarations, according to which, in the event of deployment of the NMD (national anti-missile defense) by the United States, Russia can deployer its missiles has small and has average portees, A declares today the Minister Russian for Defense Igor Sergueiev. It has dementi formally the remarks made by general Romanov which " makes digressions to the possible measures which do not enter its competence and its functions ". The catch of citees measurements by general Romanov " is not prevue ", A declares the marechal Sergueiev. " That necessite a political decision ", has it declares. The marechal does not have precise the sanctions taken has the opposition to general Romanov.