TELEVISION BIELORUSSE DIFFUSES A FILM ON DIPLOMATES-ESPIONS AMERICAINS MINSK, March 1st. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Vera Pollo). Television bielorusse has diffuses Wednesday evening an emission which usually is programmee Sunday. The televiewers could see during nearly twenty minutes of the images taken in years 96-98 and 2000 by agents of the services bielorusses of security has the knowledge of diplomats americains in station has Minsk. According to authors' of the emission, they are titular agents of the CIA (Exchange Agency Intelligence). To take again television bielorusse, the diplomats in question have actively takes part in the manifestations of the opposition and have recruits several of its young militants. One of these diplomats Serge Alexandrov has ete declares persona non grata and expels of Bielorussie. His/her colleagues have ete authorize has to complete their diplomatic missions of employes, but thereafter the accesses has Bielorussie their A ete firm. According to authors' of the emission, lately at least ten diplomats americains has sejourne has Minsk under various reasons and all are books has a collection of information concerning the information. However, " because of the next election campaign, they have somewhat modifies their activity and work now mainly in direction of the opposition, the trade unions, the " tertiary sector " and also of youth.