THE LEADER OF VICTORIOUS COMMUNISTS MOLDAVES OF ELECTIONS LEGISLATIVES MENTIONS PROBLEM TRANSNISTRIEN KICHINEV, March 1st. (Ria " Novosti " Gueorgui Stoilik). Vladimir Voronine, the leader of the victorious Communists left the legislatives elections of February 25 in Moldavie, A declares during a held press conference has Kichinev that the payment of the problem transnistrien (Transnistrie is a republic autoproclamee being in territory moldave) was to be done by stages. He A proposes to the leaders of Tiraspol to formulate manner precise the prerogatives ones of Transnistrie which they would wish to preserve. According to Vladimir Voronine, it should constitute the starting point of the negotiations. The 9-3rd anniversary of the beginning of the conflict arms with 1992 is commemore on March 1 in Moldavie and Transnistrie. Thanks to the mediation of Russia, the Agreement on the principles of a peaceful payment of the conflict transnistrien had ete sign on July 21 of the same year in the Kremlin. Since the exchanges of shootings have cease on banks of Dniestr. Russian peacemakers, moldaves and transnistriens as of the military observers ukrainiens ensure the stability of the situation in the zone of security which separe always belligerants. The curfew has ete leve in the town of Bendery situee has proximity of the " line of face ". Close to Dubossary the last bridge spanning Dniestr which had ete detruit during the conflict is in the course of repair. However, the talks between Kichinev and Tiraspol for regler definitively the problem transnistrien have ete suspended here more than one year because of the political crisis sevissant in Moldavie. February 25, the victory of the Communists moldaves to the legislatives elections anticipees put there fine. However Tiraspol does not hasten to make known its position. The leaders transnistriens will not take again the dialogue of peace which has condition of being sOers to see itself allotting stations of responsibility has Kichinev.