THE DEBT OF VIETNAM A RUSSIA A NOT ETE MENTIONNEE WITH NEGOTIATIONS BILATERALES HANOI, March 1. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The debt of Vietnam has Russia does not have ete mentionnee with the negotiations Russo-Vietnameses, let know Viktor Khristenko, Russian Deputy Prime Minister, president of the commission bilaterale Russo-Vietnamese. All the problems have ete rules from this point of view: the agreement on the payment of the debt " does not have only ete sign, but it is also between into force ", has it explains. Essentially, the problem of the debt Vietnamese has ete regle " on the basis of principle of the Club of Paris ", pointed out Khristenko. According to this diagram, the annual payments of Vietnam has Russia constitute approximately 100 million dollars. Moreover, the agreement prevoit the possibility of refunding part of the debt Vietnamese by the supplies of goods has Russia and reinvestissement in economic projects common to Vietnam, as well as as a payment for the training of Vietnamese specialists in Russia. Viktor Khristenko let know that the debt Vietnamese has Russia was in this moment of 1,5 billion dollar.