RUSSIAN INDUSTRY AERONAUTIQUE RECOIT A SIGNIFICANT COMMAND MOSCOW, March 1st. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Edouard Pouzyriev). Russian aeronautic industry has just received the largest command since the beginning of reform of functioning in Russia. It is assembled has more than 450 million dollars. It is what has just announced Stanislav Leitchenko, general manager of the airline " Atlant-Soyuz ". The airline " Atlant-Soyuz " acquires in leasing of ten planes It-96-400-T and four You-204C. The company has sign a master agreement adapts with the Russian company of leasing " Iliouchine-Finance Co ". " This functioning can be without any exageration qualifies " contract of the decennie ", A declares Stanislav Leitchenko. It A stresses that this command was a concrete example of competition for A-grade officials Russian aeronautic industry and that its realization could mark the beginning of the rebirth of this sector. The apparatuses will be built in the aeronautic factories of Voronej (central Russia) and Oulianovsk (Volga average). They will be equip with Russian engines PS-90A and a avionics. The first planes will be books has the company " Atlant-Soyuz " in less than two years.