THE ATTITUDE OF ADMINISTRATION BUSH TOWARDS THE ARREST IN RUSSIA OF THE AMERICAIN JOHN TOBBIN WASHINGTON, March 1. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arkadi Orlov). The administration americaine intends to establish the " circumstances precises " of the arrest at the end of January, has Voronej, of the citizen of the United States John Tobbin, this is why it maintains the contacts with Russian official personalities and lawyer of Americain arrete. According to the correspondent of RIA " Novosti ", it is what A declares Wednesday with the journalists has Washington the spokesman of the State Department americain Richard Boucher, by saying that the embassy of the United States has Moscow is in contact with the Russian part and that a employe of embassy has already Tobbin visit. To also stop A declares that has its opinion the arrest of Tobbin in Russia " did not have anything has to see " with the arrest, the week derniere in the United States, of the high-ranking civil servant of the FBI Robert Hanssen, bus Tobbin had ete arrete has Voronej " a few weeks " before the arrest of Hanssen. Representant State Department A qualifies "absurde " the assumption that a link exists between the Tobbin business, " Hanssen and Edmond Pope ".