MOSCOW WILL PROVIDE WEAPONRIES A THE COREE OF CUS A TITRATES REFUNDING OF THE RUSSIAN DEBT TOKYO, March 1st. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Viatcheslav Bantine). Experts of the ministry south-coreen of Defense will arrive to Russia in April-May for y negocier the delivery of weaponries has Seoul. According to sources' informees has Seoul, the amount of these supplies would reach some 500 million dollars which will be defalques debt of Russia with respect to Coree of the South. Some time ago, the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Ilia Klebanov had advertisement has RIA " Novosti " that representants of the Russian governments and south-coreen had sign on February 26 has Seoul a memorandum concerning the delivery has Coree of the South of hardware military and civil has title of refunding of the Russian debt has the regard of Seoul, which is currently assembled has approximately 1,9 billion dollar. According to sources' has Seoul, the memorandum prevoit that the coOet of the hardware books will oscillate of 500 million has 1,2 billion dollar. The exact amount of the functioning should be fixed in April-May at the time of the arrival has Moscow of the military experts south-coreens. According to the press south-coreenne, Seoul would first of all wish to buy has Russia several planes and military helicopters of transport as well as a plane-supply craft for its air forces.