LOSSES UNDERGONE BY THE PARACHUTISTS IN TCHETCHENIE MOSCOW, March 1. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Konovalov). The week derniere, the troops aeroportees of Russia lost in Tchetchenie 5 people kill some and 16 wound some, A declares colonel general Gueorgui Chpak, controlling Troops aeroportees. The total of the losses undergone by the Troops aeroportees during the operation antiterrorist in the Caucasus of North, has to start with the operations in Daghestan (a republic north-caucasienne forming integrante part of the Federation of Russia agressee by the separatists in aoOet 1999) from the 2 aoOet 1999: 268 kill some and 631 wound some. The general colonel has releve that the recent losses undergone by the paras go back to an operation of blocking of certain areas situees in mountain tchetchene, achevee a few days ago only. During this operation, many hiding places of weapons, ammunition and equipment have ete detruites. As regards the military situation in Tchetchenie, Gueorgui Chpak A qualifiee of stable, has the exception of certain zones or it was tended a little. The situation is very tended around the localite of Argoun or a battalion of the 31e brigade aeroportee puts command. It is with the appearance of the greenery in the mountains tchetchenes that the soldiers expect has an intensification of the activity of the tapes, therefore take measures to prevenir it. According to the information of the groups of recognition of the Troops aeroportees, there remain approximately 1500 gangsters weapons in Tchetchenie. The general colonel does not have gives the figure concerning the number of foreign mercenaries in Tchetchenie because " nobody will provide you such an information ", A underlines Gueorgui Chpak.