THE GOVERNMENT EXAMINES THE ASSESSMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA INTO 2000 MOSCOW, March 1st. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Dmitri Znamenski). Year 2000 has ete for the Russian economy the best year of the decennie ecoulee, only to ensure a stable economic growth, the government must very quickly set up a solid base. It is what Russian the Prime Minister, Mikhail Kassianov, A declare before the examination by the cabinet of the assessment of the social and economic development of the country in year 2000 as well as the spots for the current year. According to remarks' of the Prime Minister, this year it will be necessary to complete reforms it tax company in Russia, to take measures in order to eliminate the obstacles empechant rise from the economy. This question will be the subject of a special examination Friday, at an extraordinary meeting of the government. In addition, Mikhail Kassianov pointed out that it was necessary to finish some with reforms of the customs policy and the natural monopolies and also arreter the antitrust policy. " All that influences considerably rates of the economic development in country " A declares the Prime Minister. The government must also define what must be reforms it of the communal economy, one of the most significant fields of the Russian economy, A indicates Mikhail Kassianov.