YUGOSLAV SECURITY FORCES DISPATCHED TO BUFFER SECURITY ZONE BELGRADE, MARCH 14, 2001 /FROM RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENT ALEKSANDER SLABYNKO/ -- Allied security forces of Yugoslavia have started entering the buffer zone near the Macedonian border. The action is following the schedule and is being held without a hitch. EU observers and the joint commission on implementing the June 1999 Kumanovo military-technical agreement between Yugoslavia and NATO are watching the Yugoslav forces' movement. Representatives of the coordination committee of the Yugoslav and Serbian governments headed by its chairman Neboija Covic are monitoring deployment of allied forces' units to the C-East sector neighbouring the settlements of Mirotovci, Trnave, and Norce. At last night's press conference held in Bujanovac Covic explained to journalists that it was commander of the security forces general Minoslav Kstic who adopted the decision to return the military and police to the C-East sector of the buffer zone. In keeping with the signed agreement and the plan approved by the international peacekeepers, KFOR commander allowed to deploy security forces in this sector. Covic confirmed that the allied security forces would not enter settlements or do harm to the local population.