INTERPARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY TO STUDY MILITARY-POLITICAL SITUATION IN CENTRAL ASIA DUSHANBE, March 14, 2001. /RIA Novosti correspondent/. A group of deputies of the standing committee of the Interparliamentary Assembly for defence and security has started in Dushanbe to analyse the military-political situation in Central Asia. A spokesman for the press service of the border group of the Russian Federal Borderguard Service has reported that this work was started in compliance with a resolution of the Interparliamentary Assembly Council with a view to elaborating joint measures for parliaments of CIS member-states to provide legal bases for measures to counteract international terrorism and extremism. Parliamentarians from Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Russia and Tajikistan are participating in the group's work. The press service spokesman noted that the trip is aimed to study the developments on the Tajik-Afghani border, to hold a meeting with the leadership of the border group of the Russian Federal Borderguard Service in Tajikistan and to visit borderguard units.