QUESTIONS PERTAINING TO MILITARY COOPERATION BETWEEN RUSSIA AND IRAN ARE DELIBERATELY OVER-EMPHASISED IN THE WEST MOSCOW, March 14. /From RIA Novosti correspondent/. According to Russian foreign minister Igor Ivanov, the questions pertaining to the military-technical cooperation between Russia and Iran are deliberately over-emphasised in the West. He said this to journalists when talks were over in the Kremlin with president of Iran Mohammad Khatami. "The military-technical cooperation is a part of cooperation between our countries, just as between other countries, and there is nothing special in this", Igor Ivanov said. He believes that the attempt to concentrate only on the questions of military-technical cooperation means the striving to cast aspersions on our bilateral relations which, according to the minister, are developing harmoniously and dynamically. Ivanov recalled the words of the Russian president concerning this question who declared that cooperation between Russia and Iran in the military-technical sphere will develop in a volume which is needed for the defence capacity of Iran, which, in its turn, will not do damage to third countries.