RUSSIAN PRESIDENT'S ENVOY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS TO CHECHNYA TO ATTEND OSCE SEMINAR IN POLAND WARSAW, March 13 /from RIA Novosti's Viktor Nesterovich/ - Vladimir Kalamanov, presidential commissioner for human rights in Chechnya, will take part in an OSCE seminar in the Polish capital and will also meet with politicians and parliamentarians of Poland. He arrived in Warsaw today. The upcoming seminar, entitled "Monitoring Human Rights" and meant for staff members of the presidential mission to Chechnya, will be held by the OSCE bureau for democratic institutions and human rights, which is headquartered in Warsaw. Within one week, its members will be lectured on world standards in this field. They will also be taught hands-on methods of monitoring human rights, examining concrete cases and individual grievances, conducting postmortems on individual cases, and other techniques. According to Kalamanov, the idea of the seminar originated about a year ago, during his negotiations with Gerard Couchner, head of the bureau. The programme is now close to completion. A total of 38 specialists will be turned out, including the third, final group of trainees. All of them are Chechen residents, who will come into direct contact with Chechnya's population. The human rights commissioner also said that apart from attending the seminar, he is scheduled to meet with Marek Siwiec, head of the national security bureau under the Polish president, and with senior officials of the Polish Foreign Ministry. He also plans to visit the Sejm, or the lower house of Poland's parliament. There Kalamanov will meet with the speaker and members of parliamentary commissions concerned with humanitarian issues and human rights.