RUSSIA'S DEFENCE MINISTER DISCUSSES IN STATE DUMA LEGISLATIVE SUPPORT FOR ARMY REFORM MOSCOW, March 13 /from RIA Novosti's Alexander Konovalov/ - Russia's Defence Minister Igor Sergeyev had a working meeting on Tuesday with faction leaders and chairmen of State Duma [the lower parliamentary house] committees, the Defence Ministry press-service reports. Participants in the meeting discussed legislative support for the country's defences. They also detailed how the State Duma and the Defence Ministry can coordinate their moves to successfully reform the armed forces, a task set by Russian President Vladimir Putin. It was noted at the meeting that one of the main conditions for the success of future changes in the military field is a system of related and close-coordinated laws. For this, it is necessary to adopt as soon as possible the drafts "On the State of Emergency", "On the Martial Law", "On the Fundamentals of Alternative Civil Service", and others. The meeting stressed that in ensuring the required standards of national defence, it is essential to avoid lobbying for narrow party interests. The state's military security must be free of fleeting considerations, and it presupposes an exclusively statesmanlike approach.