RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTER: WE SHOULD THINK ABOUT EUROPEAN SECURITY, NOT NATO EXPANSION MOSCOW, MARCH 13 /from RIA NOVOSTI's Christina Rodriguez, Yelena Glushakova/ - We should above all think not about NATO's expansion, but about the creation of a European security model, Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said at a press conference after a meeting with his Danish counterpart, Mogen Lykketoft. "We are open for dialogue," he stressed. Speaking to the Danish Foreign Minister, Ivanov once again reaffirmed that Russia opposes NATO's planned eastward expansion. According to him, nothing can justify the alliance's expansion now that the Cold War is over. European countries are not separated by any ideological, military or political blocs, remarked the Russian minister. Ivanov emphasized that the Russian side was not trying to influence Denmark, but just wanted to make its own take on the issue known. The two ministers discussed ways of maintaining strategic stability in the world.