IGOR IVANOV: RUSSIA IS INTERESTED IN PARTNERSHIP WITH DENMARK MOSCOW, March 13. /From RIA Novosti's Yelena Glushakova, Christina Rodriguez/. Russia is interested in partnership with Denmark, said Russian foreign minister Igor Ivanov on Tuesday, opening talks with Danish foreign minister Mogens Lukketof. "We have all the necessary possibilities to step up our relations. This meets the interests of the peoples of our countries", noted Ivanov. It is expected that the sides will examine the development of Denmark's ties with Russia's north-western regions, including the Leningrad region, considering EU expansion and Denmark's chairmanship of this organization in the latter half of 2002. It is not ruled out that the sides will also examined further cooperation between Moscow and Copenhagen in various economic fields. Possibly, they will also examine ways of expanding mutual trade and deepening economic relations. (kul/ter)