SITUATION IN SOUTHERN SERBIA'S SECURITY ZONE STABLE BELGRADE, March 13, 2001. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Sergei Ryabikin/. The situation in the security zone on the administrative border between Serbia and Kosovo is quiet at the moment. A cease-fire agreement signed yesterday by Serbian authorities and Albanian militants has just entered into force. United security forces of Serbia are to occupy the so-called C zone /25 square kilometres/, without entering villages, occupying houses or using armoured vehicles, missile launchers, helicopters, antitank weapons and mines. Such is the opinion of the aforementioned agreement disclosed by KFOR Commander General Carlo Cabigiosu. However, the commander would not elaborate on the duration of the action, on the number of Yugoslavian servicemen and policemen in the security zone or the types of weapons they were allowed to use. According to General Cabigiosu, Serbian security forces will be commanded from Belgrade but "looked after" by NATO and the European Union. In the meantime, Serbian Vice Premier Nebojsa Covic told journalists in Bujanovac that cease-fire had nothing to do with the agreement reached between radical Albanians and Serbian political and military authorities.