RUSSIAN, IRANIAN FOREIGN MINISTERS DISCUSS STABILISATION IN AFGHANISTAN MOSCOW, MARCH 13, 2001 /RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENT YELENA GLUSHAKOVA/. Foreign Ministers Igor Ivanov of Russia and Kamal Kharrazi of Iran have discussed what steps should be taken to settle the situation in Afghanstan. Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said this Tuesday after negotiations with Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi. Ivanov noted that Russia and Iran almost stood together on the issue. According to Igor Ivanov, the ministers held consultations on international problems. In particular, they discussed further cooperation between Moscow and Teheran on the international arena, Russia-Iran collaboration in the Caspian region, Central Asia, Caucasus, and Persian Gulf. Ivanov stressed that the sides had agreed to coordinate efforts with the aim of introducing stability and security in these regions.