DANISH FOREIGN MINISTER ON EUROPEAN MISSILE SHIELD MOSCOW, March 12 /from RIA Novosti's Yelena Glushakova/ - Russian President Vladimir Putin's initiatives related to the building of a European missile shield should be prominent on the agenda of talks between top European officials, Denmark's Foreign Minister Mogens Lykketoft said in a RIA Novosti interview as he arrived in Moscow. The Danish minister said it was important that the Russian president realized the threat posed by certain countries' armaments as well as the need to "look for ways of dealing with the situation." When asked about Copenhagen's stance on the US plans to include its radar station located on the Danish island of Greenland in its national ABM system, Lykketoft said it was premature to talk about it since the situation is not clear. Denmark's minister of foreign affairs arrived in Moscow for a 2-day routine visit.