BELGRADE'S STANCE ON ALBANIAN EXTREMISTS BELGRADE, March 12, 2001. /from RIA Novosti correspondent Alexander Slabynko/--The crisis in southern Serbia and in Macedonia may only be settled by the United States, since "only Washington can tame Albanian extremists, as it was the United States which created, armed and put the extremists on a throne." Such a comment was published by Belgrade's popular newspaper Vecerni Novosti /Evening News/. The editorial titled At the Price of Somebody Else's Blood analyses the current developments in the Balkans, indicating that it has become much worse than it was before the international peace-keeping forces had been deployed in Kosovo. However, Americans as the head architects and of the West's policy in the Balkans would not die or risk the life of a single serviceman of their armies. They are for taming Albanian "rebels" within the Serbia-Macedonia-Kosovo triangle, but without risking their own lives. Vecerni Novosti poses a question: what does the USA want in the Balkans, what appeals most to it -- peace or "maintenance of a constant, "standing", crisis there for the sake of its own interests? Evidently, the US is not through with its business in the Balkan territories, the editorial comments.