CYPRIOT PARLIAMENTARY DELEGATION ARRIVES IN MOSCOW NICOSIA, MARCH 12, RIA NOVOSTI - A delegation of Greek Cypriot MPs, led by Speaker Spiros Kiprianu, has arrived in Moscow for a four-day visit. While in Moscow, they are scheduled to meet with State Duma Speaker Gennady Seleznyov, leaders of the lower Russian parliamentary house's factions, members of the Federation Council, or parliament's upper house, and those in charge of the Duma's Cyprus Friendship group. Before leaving for Moscow, Mr. Kiprianu said that Russia is a "crucial factor" in international efforts aimed at resolving the Cypriot problem and that no progress of the endeavour is possible without Russia's involvement. Dominating the Greek Cypriot parliament speaker's meeting with his Russian counterpart will be the possibility of the two parliaments' teamwork in achieving progress in the Cyprus settlement. The resolution of this years-old problem needs engagement of all the five members of the UN Security Council, Siros Kiprianu emphasized. He is also hopeful that Russia will step up its efforts toward the conflict's settlement. Contacts like the forthcoming ones, the Cypriot speaker said, are going to promote interparliamentary ties and strengthen bilateral cooperation at large.